11/28/2013 07:00pm


Ok so now, don't let ourself go, here is a new little recipe (translation on the bottom) :


1- Cut and wash some cauliflower, a green pepper and some tomatoes.

2- In a wak, put two soup spoons of oil (always the same story, it should be mustard oil, but do what you can).

3- Add a tiny spoon of grain of brown mustard, a tiny spoon of cumin, and a leaf of laurel.

4- Put the cauliflower and the green pepper. Add a smashed clove of garlic, a half tiny spoon of turmeric, and one tiny spoon of salt.

5- Wait twenty minutes with a slow fire that the cauliflower become tender. Then add a half tiny spoon of green chili, and two tiny spoons of powder or coriander.

6- Add the tomatoes, and wait five minutes.

7- Serve with rice, add fresh coriander at the end.