Great, a nex recipe. This time I propose you to use some paneer, the indian cheese that you know how to cook it yourdelf because I gave you the recipe few days ago.


1. Cut 50g of paneer.

2. Mix together 4 cloves of garlic, a half oignon, a half tomato, a half little green pepper, a half cup of watter, a pinch of turmeric, a half tea spoon of coriander, a half tea spoon of salf, a pinch of red chili and a half spoon of massala.

3. Cut the other hamf oignon, the other half tomato, and the other half little green pepper.

4. In a wak, put a soup spoon of butter.

5. Put the oignon on the wak and cook it in the butter, then and the green pepper, and then the paneer. Wate a bit.

6. Then, put the tomato.

7. Then put what you mixed at the beginning. Cook it at slow fire. Serve with rice and a piece of butter on the top.