08/21/2019 10:00am

Thanks to Lucie Van Der Elst for her invitation, her contacts, her kindness, her patience, her humor and her talent.

Thanks also to Nick, Eileen, Sam, Eleanor, Lise, Morgan, Mike, David, Anya, Anna, Steve, Catherine, Dave, Hannah and Alex.

Thanks again to Robert Johnson, Pablo Gámez, the CQMD, the Sousaphones against hates, the DJ of the Tacos festival de Pilsen, Matthew Shelton, the Little Marzan, the Polo Inn organist, Nancy Sinatra, Country Joe, Los Amigos Invisibles, Total Sacrifice and Frank Sinatra

And thanks a lot to all the people who manage to devote part of their time to reading, writing, drawing, composing, questioning, listening, inventing, helping, defending and transmitting.