04/05/2017 08:00pm
The first dinner we share is a mountain of seafood. We taste giant mussels with Chilean wines, starting series of generous meals that we will call " the festival of cholesterol ".
- Renato, what were you eating at the camp?
- Rice and potatoes.
- That's all ?
- No, sometimes we had surprises. For example, one day, a guy arrived with a huge pan full of soup. We were waiting around with our tins. With a big spoon the guy was mixing, mixing, mixing, and then ... a whole horse's head rose at the surface, not even shaved. Erk !
- You were not hungry ?
- Well, we get used to it. Families could sometimes bring us some food. We were organized groups of solidarity : each time one of us received a gift, he was sharing it. Cococho called it the "Flayatas" ...